Category Archives: Stories

The bones speak

She always wore long sleeves 

On the hottest of days.

Nothing to see here, she always said
Don’t worry. I’m fine.

Soundproof sleeves

woven by her mother

with threads of silence

no whisper leaked through

The X-rays tell a different tale:

Of old fractures, of injuries
Hidden beneath layers of flesh and fear.

The loom

an heirloom

it made no sound

only the wood was dented

Stripped of skin, defleshed to mere skeleton

Her life lays bare on a cold slab
Exposed like dead-white maggots
Fat, wriggling, reluctantly pulled out
From hollow eye sockets full of hell.

The warp thread tension

was nonadjustable

the weft thread

often broke

A chip here. A groove there.

Violence records itself in bone.
We can be read by those
Who decipher death
Who study the language of cruelty.
We do not give up our secrets easily.


a chip here

a groove there

random pattern

clink, clatter

clack, clank


Nothing to see here, she always said
We know
We know
The bones always know.

Rattle, click

hem stitch

Yay, a collaboration between Shuku and me, based on her poem for day 17. It’s off prompt for today, but it has influences of a number of the other prompts. It’s a very busy day today, so I can’t look up which ones.


New skill!

I’ve created so many new ones I think this post deserves a reblog by myself :)The reason for making these today is threefold:
1) I’m looking forward to #NaPoWriMo
2) I’m procrastinating
3) I’m fundraising for a Greek friend who needs money to finish her education.Youdontevenknowmyname

Unassorted stories

I learned something new today, all in favour of the fundraising I’m doing. You can combine any of my poems wih any of my paintings or drawings if you want one.

AlexfinalsPleaseBeCarefulDudTheNightGreenBad Man2Elixer by Angela van SonWould you prayMisfitMyMusicalLimitedFrame

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Money has that power

It’s poetry day in the Netherlands today – a good day I hope to raise money for a friend. To keep it simple: pay what you want, and ask what you want.

For example:
– choose an existing poem from, for example my most read one or my least read one.
– ask for a personalised poem
– commission a poem-de-luxe: handwritten, signed, beautiful paper, etc. (if you live far away I might need a contribution for stamps)

I’ll also be putting up paintings or drawings and coaching hours (coaching by me) for this fundraiser, but I haven’t organised all of that yet. But poetry day just asked for action NOW, not later 🙂

I’m raising money for a Greek friend to contribute to her education. She’s hard working, she is caring, she works with mothers and children, and she lives in Greece – a country, which you might know, has had quite a financial crisis for years now. She started the education, then life happened, and now I want to support her in being able to continue her education. Money has that power.

Today’s title is inspired by (one again 😉 this song by Patti Smith: I was present when this was filmed, and incredibly happy to witness it:


Here I am
At Preradoviceva Ulica
Laughing at Dutch jokes
Open to learning

Dutch Croatian
who taught us
two beer
black wine
things are different here

Hot air plane
Views of mountains
All is well
Love to discover
A new city

#OctPoWriMo 4, travelling and off prompt. But acrostic and cinquain attempts going on. Croatian acrostics, a first for me 🙂




I know
I don’t know
What I won’t
I know
Not what I don’t
I know
Won’t I?
I know
Don’t I?
I know

I want to know
What I will
I want to know
What I do
I want to know
Will I?
I want to know
Do I?
I want to know

I will know
What I can’t
I will know
What I haven’t
I will know
Can’t I?
I will know
Haven’t I?
I will know

It’s #OctPoWriMo day 3, and the prompt on was insecurity.


You are needed now

did your
best that is
all that is needed

fight for
what you believe
in that is needed

see the
best in people
and make them even

think before
you speak that
is needed now my

jest in
honour of learning
that is needed now

Day 2 of #OctPoWriMo asked for note(s) to (a) you and suggested a cinquain as form. These are my five cinquains, accompanied by one of my favorite word wizards.

Eccentricity 0

She was sick of all her degrees
She had so many
She felt shallow
She really wanted to be more square
More like the others
Stop shaping herself to perfection
A never ending story
360 was just too much
The constant distance to her centre bothered her
She longed to be more square
Euclid had given her a straight jacket
No way to be straight
Regular she was
But square she couldn’t be
So she started scratching herself
Little by little
Piece by piece
Until one day
She managed to round a corner

Here’s one (of many) that I really liked from yesterday’s prompt: A Mirrors Reflection by Soulstructuredlines.


Silly Illustrations Of Animals And Their Little Adventures By Shanghai Tango

I need to reblog this simply so I’ll always know where to find it.Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. I totally agree with the description this blog gives: “Gao Youjun, aka Tango, is a popular Shanghai cartoonist on the Chinese social network Weibo. The artist draws brilliantly witty cartoons that are made all the more clever because of their incredible simplicity. By looking at the world in a different way, Tango’s work also encourages us, the audience, to look at things with a fresh perspective.”


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Silly Illustrations Of Animals And Their Little Adventures By Shanghai Tango

Artist on Tumblr

Gao Youjun, aka Tango, is a popular Shanghai cartoonist on the Chinese social network Weibo. The artist draws brilliantly witty cartoons that are made all the more clever because of their incredible simplicity. By looking at the world in a different way, Tango’s work also encourages us, the audience, to look at things with a fresh perspective.

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Born out

I have tried
being bored to death
so many times
I can assure you
it doesn’t work


I gave up
being fully engaged
every now and then
I suspect
it might work

The #NaPoWriMo prompt for day 13 invited us to write a poem in which the words or meaning of a familiar phrase get up-ended. I’m totally looking forward to where that led the other participants, I think it’s a fun prompt.

Since I wrote an elevenie instead of a haibun yesterday, I offer you two beautiful examples from fellow participants. I love Benita Kapes poem because she managed to keep it short and still totally fit the brief: Haibun clay birds. The second one is Cherry Tree by Nastasa’s summerblues. Her poem makes time stand still for a moment

Born out by Angela van Son

By Angela van Son

DAY 5- NAPOWRIMO’18 – Colour as mesmerized!

Way cool, a Dutch poem of mine got chosen for today’s prompt by a fellow participant! #NaPoWriMo day 5 has been a fabulous day 🙂 Thank you Preethi!

Views Of Preethi B

Day 5:  Today’s (optional) prompt, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem that, like the work in Translucence, reacts both to photography and to words in a language not your own. Begin with a photograph. Now find a poem in a language you don’t know (here’s a good place to look!) Ignore any accompanying English translation (maybe cover it up, or cut-and-paste the original into a new document). Now start translating the poem into English, with the idea that the poem is actually “about” your photograph. Use the look and feel of the words in the original to guide you along as you write, while trying to describe your photograph. It will be a bit of a balancing act, but hopefully it will lead to new and beautiful (and possibly very weird) places.

I choose a poem in the Dutch Language, found this poem from one of…

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