Quintessentially Dutch

I identify more
with riding a bike
than with being Dutch
which makes me
very – very – very

I was able to make pictures of this windmill this weekend, thinking ahead for #ThursdayDoors. But what to write about windmills, to turn it into a post for #OctPoWriMo too? I ended up writing about being Dutch. I can assure you it’s really, really, really strange for me to not be able to ride my bike. I’m in my 16th week of not being able to cycle due to my broken foot, and it influences my life immensely. Basically I’m going nowhere. Can’t walk, so no public transport. Can’t use my foot, so not riding a bike. No car driving either. Luckily people take me out for walks, pushing me in a wheel chair (which I could loan through our Dutch health care system).

Tomorrow I will have to find a way to write about the GoFundMe page a friend set up for me. It’s no use having one if I don’t dare to share it…



21 thoughts on “Quintessentially Dutch

  1. marianallen

    Love ALL the things in this post! Poem, doors, windmills, wonderful photography … Thank you so much for visiting my blog and commenting, so I could follow you home and enjoy ALL THE THINGS! 🙂

  2. Norm 2.0

    Ah who can refuse to smile at the sight of a classic Dutch windmill. Lovely shots.
    As for the poem, just substitute “riding a bike” for “passionate about hockey” and change Dutch to Canadian and you’d be describing about 35 million of my compatriots 😀

    1. Angela van Son Post author

      🙂 I was wondering about other countries, thanks for adding that. 35 million wow. We’re only 17 million – but the number of bikes is rumored to be five times as much.

  3. -Eugenia

    Excellent photos and I am sorry about your broken foot. It’s interesting our homelands span the globe but we can identify with the same things. Thank you for joining in.

  4. Pingback: “Identity” prompt participants – Angela van Son – Unassorted stories; Sharing With Others; A poem by Goff James | Art, Photography and Poetry – Eugi's Causerie I

  5. Pingback: “Eugi’s Weekly Prompt “Neighbors” July 20, 2020 – Eugi's Causerie I

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